Thursday, October 8, 2015

O Bachmann! My Bachmann!

Former Representative from Minnesota, Michelle Bachmann
The caption of a Ring of Fire Radio story yesterday (10-7-15):

As usual, Bachmann got it wrong. According to my divine source (or maybe those strange voices in my head), the SC floods are God's punishment for tolerating same-sex marriage, not for US relations with Israel (yeesh--so obvious). Rather, because of the US's insufficient support for Israel, God has decided to double the number of historians teaching that the United States was founded as a Christian nation, as the new Jerusalem.

And for good measure, He's going to quadruple the number of prosperity gospel preachers.

Oh, by the way, the lack of prayer in public schools is what has caused the spate of providentially-permitted mass shootings in recent years. Sure was a long time coming--the Supreme Court declared state school-sponsored prayer unconstitutional way back in 1962--but then, providence is mysterious. If we keep seeing this little imaginary prayer below after a few more mass shootings at schools, maybe we'll finally be convinced to let Him back in. And then all will be well again in our once great nation. It will be like living in a combination of Leave it to Beaver and Have Gun Will Travel !


Spider Valdez said...

Let's get cynical, cynical
I want to get cynical
The way you New Age liberals talk

Andrew Schlewitz said...

Stealing an epigram from C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters, and paraphrasing it: 'The self-righteous fundamentalist...the prowde spirit...cannot endure to me mocked.'

Or, less ponderous

How does it feel to be
One of the few true believers?
Now that you know you're so right
What can you do about wrong?
But have you travelled very far?
Far beyond your own little throng.