Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Post Inaugural Hangover?

The New York Times today reports that some Republican members in Congress are rethinking the absolutist stands they have been taking.
“We’re too outnumbered to govern, to set policy,” said Representative John Fleming, a Louisiana Republican who has taken confrontational postures in the past. “But we can shape policy as the loyal opposition.”
Even my Tea Party Rep, Justin Amash, is sobered:
“The public is not behind us, and that’s a real problem for our party,” said Representative Justin Amash of Michigan, a Republican who has clashed with his party’s leadership.
It's too bad more GOP Reps didn't come to the same conclusion a few years ago.  If they had, then maybe Congress might have been able to accomplish more, and be viewed more favorably by the public.  According to Public Policy Polling:
Congress is now less popular than root canals, NFL replacement referees, head lice, the rock band Nickelback, colonoscopies, carnies, traffic jams, cockroaches, Donald Trump, France, Genghis Khan, used-car salesmen and Brussel sprouts.
Still, Democrats have contributed to that lack of popularity.  A Gallup poll last August reported that views of their party were slightly worse than that of Republicans.

In short, Democrats had better stay sober, too.

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