Saturday, November 17, 2012

TWINKIES! Our hope and our despair...

In awe of the many syllogistic paroxysms I've heard and read since the re-election of President Obama, here's my paean to the genre:

The Twinkie was born in 1930--THE SAME YEAR THE NAZIS CAME IN SECOND PLACE IN GERMAN NATIONAL ELECTIONS!  The same year the world was reeling from the '29 crash and the Great Depression.

Now get this.  The Twinkie died in 2012--THE SAME YEAR OBAMA WON REELECTION TO THE PRESIDENCY!  The same year the world is still recovering from the 2008 Great Recession.  It's clear, we're about to fall under nationalist socialist rule.  And the fact that so many Blacks and Latinos voted for a redistributive candidate means the commie Chinese are not far behind.

Folks, we are doomed unless we can revive Twinkies.  We are doomed unless our allies in Congress can show that the lack of available Twinkies led to the breakdown of intelligence that permitted the Benghazi attack.  We are doomed unless our allies in Congress show that it was lack of Hostess products that led General Petraeus into infidelity and Ambassador Susan Rice into what we Twinkie-loving people suspect is a Watergate-level affair.

And we all know that Hugo Chavez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have been stockpiling Twinkies, Ding-Dongs, and Ho-Hos, for years, damn them (fortunately, Colombia has enough Ring-Dings, for now, to hopefully deter the neighboring narco-terrorists).

Speaking of narco-terrorists, I can't seem to find the stash of vicodin that I carefully placed with my last Twinkies.  No doubt Obamacare's to blame. . .along with all those unknown "dozens of black people" that voted in Maine, or maybe it's those 78-80 communists Florida Congressman Allen West has identified as serving alongside him.  Obama won re-election.  My feet are swollen.  Must be a connection...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Republican Sour Grapes

According to the NY Times, Romney told his fund-raisers and big donors that he lost the election because Obama gave huge "gifts" to key constituencies.  Latinos got the 'Dream Act for kids,' the young got healthcare till their 26, young women got contraceptives. . .blah, blah, bullshit.

Give me a break.  Young women voted for Obama just because the Affordable Care Act (ACA) orders access to contraception?  What's the message there to those conservative donors, that floozies sunk Romney's campaign?

The ACA lured minority voters?  This is just a variation on the 47% comment--whining that he can't win because so many Americans don't want Romney's vision, they just want stuff from the government, which the dastardly Obama administration dispenses in exchange for votes.

Mr. Romney lost the youth vote in part because of his antipathy towards the rights of same-sex couples, the vote of many women because members of his party spouted remarkably ignorant things about rape and women's bodies, and he lost many Latinos because he pandered to nativists with talk of self-deportation.

But why didn't he spin a more positive conversation with the money? According to Pew survey data, in comparison to McCain in 2008, he gained some points with whites, men, white Catholics, and Jews.  He even gained among 18-29 year-olds, which makes his comment about losing the youth vote a little strange, but l stopped long ago expecting consistency and accuracy from him.